Copernicus Masters closes on June 30th 2017.
July 5-7th AGIT 2017 Simposium.
July 8-11th – ESRI GIS conference.
Various things
OSM and Wikidata united search.
Mapillary opens up 25k street-level images to train automotive AI systems.
Drones go to work – how to think about the drone economy and your place in it.
Massive royal atlas gets digitized.
29 Ancient Maps That Show How Our Ancestors Saw The World.
Flyability introduces the Range Extender – an accessory that provides an extended signal reach for beyond line-of-sight operation.
Detailed summary of how OA’s global addresses compare to population density from NASA SEDAC’s Gridded Population of the World.
The hottest micro districts of the Ukrainian metropolises.
NAIP 2016 Image Layer is Now Available.
Amazing City Maps That Look Like They’re Made of Wood.
GISTECH.UA-2017 – Results of the conference.
Tether Kit for achieving safe and reliable operation through ground power.
Vector Basemaps Available in GCS WGS84 (Beta).
Carto-cam – the map designer’s quality-assurance tool.
Mapillary Vistas Dataset.
Making Digital Mapping technologies smarter with an Austrian research grant.
Seeing Theory – visual introduction to probability and statistic.
Google Earth’s Incredible 3D Imagery, Explained.
Comparing Satellite imagery.
Antarctica ice melt and climate change.
TED talks – The best stats you’ve ever seen.
Planet imagery available to Cesium community.
Deep learning for Semantic Segmentation of aerial imagery.
MacDonald Dettwiler Buying DigitalGlobe for $2.4 Billion.
Organized, distributed OpenStreetMap field mapping.
2017 Skypixel video contest.
The upcoming Copernicus Data and Information Access Services (DIAS).
World Imagery Updates (May 2017).
Old maps put the art in cartography.
Arctic Elevation updated with new, high-resolution data.
Fantasy Book Illustration Maps in ArcGIS Pro.
My first year at Mapbox working with OpenStreetMap!
Startling hyper-local air pollution maps reveal how much filthy air you’re breathing in.
ESA releases open data and millions in prize funding.
AgroChallenge 2017 – Start-ups challenge.
An artful planet – integrating art in the technology-driven company.
5 Reasons to Use Survey123 for ArcGIS.
CityClass project– Conclusions and plans for the future.
Detecting vandalism in OpenStreetMap.
NextGIS releases new version of Formbuilder.
Mobile app with online and offline maps powered by vector tiles.
GeoEditor for web – online app for collaborative creating and editing of basic geographical data
Orfeo ToolBox 6.0 is out!
Generate random medieval city layouts of a requested size.
Upcoming QGIS3 features.
Survey123 for ArcGIS 2.1 is now available.
Collector for ArcGIS Updated.
Tool called OsmHydrant facilitates the addition and modification of water points in OpenStreetMap.
Add layer button for QGIS.
iD editor for OpenStreetMap 2.2.0 and OpenStreetMap Carto 3.3.0
QGIS point cluster renderer.
Moonlight, latest designer style, ready to be used in your app or customized in Studio.
Using QGIS to receive and process satellite imagery.
Custom roles to fine-tune the capabilities and levels of access for ArcGIS Online organization’s members.
Questions and answers about the Semi-Automatic Classification Plugin.
Analyzing open satellite imagery using the python ecosystem.
Explore and analyze planet imagery with Harris ENVI.
Aggregate all the things – QGIS expression edition.
A friendlier introduction to editing OpenStreetMap.
New Walkabout bike map.
Map of World Happiness Report.
The Emoji States of America – visualization that maps multiple statistical values to the features of a face.
Ukrainian Map of last names.
Explore Melbourne’s Urban Forest.
Map of healthsites close to your location.
The Executive Abroad maps the international trips of presidents and secretaries of state.
Map of soils of Ukraine.
London Post Office Railway (AKA Mail Rail) Map
Woodcut Bathymetry Maps
Choosing a palette for maps.
Interactive map of Ukraine for police and civilian cooperation.
Discover Vinnitsa region – tourist map.
Map of Power Plant Generation by Primary Type.
Migration maps of the Europe.
Umap an OpenStreetMap project for creating maps.
River plastic emissions to the world’s oceans.