The GeoBlacklight software stack consists of several open source software projects which work together to enable a better discovery experience.
Boundless Exchange 1.2.0 is here.
Mapzen’s Refill – levels of detail.
Survey123 for ArcGIS 2.3 is available.
Map Icon Editor by Mapbox.
RiscOSM is a vector map rendering application based on OpenStreetMap
Various things
What if everyone lived in just one city?
A set of space travel posters from NASA/JPL.
Colorbrewer – color advice tool for cartography.
Travel the path of the solar eclipse.
The history of Planet Labs and their tiny satellites.
Disaster data from Planet Labs made available directly to the public.
Making alternative to Strava Heatmap.
A virtual tour around Ukrainian open-air museums by Google.
Satellite imagery as art.
7 data visualization techniques for location.
A case study of OpenStreetMap for routing of people with limited mobility.
A study of increasing B2B sales by redesigning sales territories.
The insidious creep of pseudo-public space in London, and a map.
Ordnance Survey releases open dataset and free map of Britain’s Greenspaces.
Future of food depends on location intelligence.
Traffic sign mapping with OpenStreetMap and Mapillary.
About Decimal, a minimalist map style.
Quiz: Can you name these streets?
7 abandoned transport sites.
US agency’s privacy guidance for drone operators.
Cases of augmented reality with ARKit: bike ride and Twin Peaks.
Discussion about image sources for OpenStreetMap.
Google StreetView Cars Are Now Mapping And Measuring Pollution.
Research of agglomerations by Urbica.
About the new Cartogram tool and keeping the user in mind.
How-To: United States of craigslist, chalkboard style.
Elaborate 3D visualizations with Mapbox GL JavaScript API.
Wind map with WebGL.
Dots vs. polygons: choosing the right visualization.
QGIS 3.0: copy map to the clipboard.
Performing analysis with the Spatial Analyst’s Con tool.
Incredible ‘vein maps‘ of the world.
Research of Yaroslaviv Val street and its neighbourhood in Kyiv.
Where you’d end up if you dug a tunnel straight through the Earth. And an interactive antipodes map.
A map of historic places in the world.
UNESCO world heritage list.
Map of the unexplored world (to Westerners) from 1881.
Hair and eye pigmentation in Europe.
Where people trust religion more than science.
The number of official languages per country.
What is the biggest threat to your country?
The cost of living everywhere in the world.